
Trees, trees, trees! Our Pet, Matt Vinet, of Green Drop Trees talks trees for the next hour.

If you have been wondering how the Million Tree Challenge is coming, Matt has the answer. A long-time member of the Trees Winnipeg board, he is up to date on all the details. Trees Winnipeg will double its Releaf program this fall. Matt says that the spring edition sold out in five days. Releaf Tree Planting program is where Trees Winnipeg offers a variety of trees very well-suited to Winnipeg at amazing prices to the public. And they teach you how to plant the tree you buy! https://www.treeswinnipeg.org/our-urban-forest/our-projects/releaf-tree-planting-program

 Matt also had some good advice about what might be causing tree trouble for homeowners. We talk about trees shedding bark, splitting limbs and trunks, and cracks caused by lightning. He discusses the challenges to our mature bur oak which are dying for unknown causes.

Cottony ash psyllid is still killing black ash and Dutch elm disease is claiming far too many American elms. But there is something you can do to protect your revered elm and he explains what needs to be done.

On the more positive planting side we learn that tree stock is becoming scarce. Many nurseries are having trouble filling orders with the huge demand. Small, 2-gallon trees are easier to come by and these little trees catch up their larger caliper cousins with three years.

His advice for three great trees for your yard? The American elm, if you have enough space, is always top of the list. They are immune to the fungus for the first 10 years and with proper care can fight off attacks.  Linden comes second with it lovely scented spring flowers and controlled growth habit, very good for a smaller yard. And finally, for sheer loveliness and year round interest, he suggests he Starlight flowering crab.

To contact Matt: Green Drop Trees.com or look for his at the ISA Prairie website where all the certified arborists are listed.