
The time has come to start thinking about income taxes. In just a few weeks, Canadians will start to see key moments popping up related to filing taxes, and I wanted to share the list with you. I’d be happy to connect you with an who can elaborate on these dates, as well as provide tax tips, new tax updates and anything else you might want to know!

  • Monday, February 19: The Canada Revenue Agency’s NETFILE service will open, meaning Canadians will be able to file online.
  • Thursday, February 29: This is the last day for employers and the CRA to issue T4s, T4 As and T5s to Canadians. Meaning, if you don’t already have these forms, you’ll have them in the next few days.
  • Thursday, February 29: The deadline to contribute to an RRSP for the 2023 tax year.
  • Tuesday, April 30: This is the tax filing deadline. You must have your taxes filed by this date, or start incurring penalties if you owe.
  • Monday, June 17: This is the date for the self-employed to file their tax returns. However, any balance owing is due on April 30th, so those who owe taxes should be aware of their required payments well before the self-employed tax due date.

– Courtesy H&R Block

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