
Gerry McAlpine

A combustion engine is the most economical form of power in just about every industry in today’s economy. What if you could improve that efficiency with some state-of-the-art technology? Could this be a better answer than electrical source energy that is being currently promoted?

A Canadian company, Innovative Hydrogen Solutions, has developed a technology that produces a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases “on demand” through a controlled electrolysis process. These gases are then delivered to an engine’s air intake, where they enhance the combustion process.

Adding these gases with their IHS Hydrogen Injection System to a diesel engine or generator improves overall engine combustion efficiency by producing a more complete burn of the air-fuel mixture. The result is a decrease in greenhouse gases, reduced emissions and an increase in fuel economy

Enabling a combustion engine to burn all harmful emissions in the combustion chamber while the engine is running, solves a lot of issues for our future, and promotes the better use of fossil fuels. Removing up to eighty-five per-cent of emissions created through combustion makes for clean air for the environment.

With this information, why are our governments at all levels promoting this electrification, when its outcomes are so negative?

Electricity does not consistently provide the same reserve power as combustion, and, according to scientific research, ultimately creates more harmful emissions, cradle-to-grave, through its production and, later, the disposal of that same production material. The cost is doubled because it provides lower outcomes. Instead of reducing emissions, current methods of working with electricity contribute even more emissions of GHGs. 

Creating electricity using hydro power also takes huge combustion engines which produce significant emissions, polluting the water with the soot and hydrocarbons. To quote a Hydro worker on the ground, “The soot is so bad that it is blacking the sides of houses”. 

In the province of Manitoba just beyond the grid, it is reported that there are at least five hundred stationary diesel generators powering First Nations Reserves with electricity while spewing soot and other pollutants. Is this one of the reasons for the polluted water they drink and the increased challenges to the health of residents? 

The same is true of the heavy equipment used to harvest the oil in the Alberta Oil Sands area. It is not only the burning of oil for power that contributes to emissions, but also the engines polluting the air with their exhaust while harvesting it.

Innovative Hydrogen Solutions technology has recently been installed on a diesel generator used in the Alberta Oil Sands. In just two weeks, that diesel generator reduced the fuel usage by 10 per cent. At the same time, it saved significant GHGs from going into the environment 

Long-haul trucks need more power and torque for their engines will achieve greater performance with less fuel, lower maintenance and cleaner emissions for the environment. The drivers that are experiencing this type of performance are committed to the technology and don’t want to drive anything else. 

To date, and in use, long haul and short haul trucks, stationary diesel generators, large marine boat engines, even locomotives are among those that continue to see lasting benefits from this technology.

It is time to look at better ways to deal with power needs and the greater efficiency of technologies such as that created by this innovative Canadian company.