
Living in Winnipeg, you have likely heard the name of our city’s longest running food assistance program. For over 43 years, Agape Table (Agapé gr: meaning ‘unconditional love’) has quietly and steadfastly welcomed, nourished, and supported our most vulnerable and marginalized people.

It all began with a group of neighbours preparing sandwiches in their home kitchens and distributing them to the hungry and homeless in the West Broadway area.  Over the years, as the number of people struggling with food insecurity and its associated issues increased, it became necessary to lease spaces in buildings or church basements to provide meals and other services to Winnipeg’s most needy.

Today Agape Table distributes between 600 and 800 meals each weekday morning from folding banquet tables set up outside the front door of its current leased location in the basement of the Wave Church on Furby St.  The internal space is no longer large enough to accommodate the dramatic increase in guests indoors, and the lease agreement limits hours of operation to weekdays only between 7am and 1pm. Despite these challenges, anyone who asks for food receives a meal, prepared, and handed out by dedicated volunteers, and accompanied by a warm smile and a healthy helping of respect. All are welcome at Agape Table, and no one is ever turned away.

Agape Table relies heavily on community volunteers to run its meal and bi-weekly hamper programs. It takes 800 volunteer hours each week and eight staff to make the programs run successfully. Last year, over two million pounds of donated food and non-food items were shared with those in need. In 2023 approximately 160,000 meals were distributed (this number was 83,000 in 2019). Agape Table also provides support to over 40 other local non-profits.

This humble, grass-roots organization embraces a non-judgmental, unbiased, and respectful attitude toward all who ask for assistance. Many who come are students, young families, seniors, new immigrants, and others relocating from rural Manitoba. Others are homeless, unemployed, or under-employed. All are hungry. All need our help.

Agape Table operations are 100% funded by donations from people like you and me, as well as community supportive organizations, foundations, and businesses. This is a true testament to the generosity that Manitobans are so well known for.

FOOD, TIME, and MONEY.  Donations of food, volunteer time, and money are critical to continue to deliver food and other programs to those who need it most.

Please consider making a difference by donating to Agape Table.  Your donation will be used wisely to maximize our ability to feed and support those who struggle with hunger and poverty.

It’s in your heart to give!

To donate online visit www.agapetable.ca or call (204) 783-6369.

To volunteer call (204)786-2370 or email [email protected].

@ 2024 Pegasus Publications Inc.