
Slavery – it’s not unusual


Let the people know
Wayne Weedon

Food for Thought


At a live concert, several thousand women were making complete fools of themselves. They were begging to be Tom Jones’ sex-slave as they slung their underwear towards him. Tom Jones seemed to be reading my mind as he began bellowing, “It’s not unusual.”

I soon discovered; this behaviour is not unusual. Similar things have happened with Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Gerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, Mick Jagger, and every other type of celebrity including politicians like John F. Kennedy, Pierre Trudeau, Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, and even revivalist idols like Billy Graham. Why would a woman beg to be someone’s sex-slave?

When an audience is salted with a dozen or so paid manipulators, the susceptible audience is quick to follow their actions, whether it be to clap and cheer at the right moment, or to chuck their panties onto the stage. They act like sheep following a goat. Monkey see, monkey do.

I have discovered that this type of absurd behaviour, doing things with no rational forethought, stems back to fairy tales and religious stories which children learn when they are too young to think for themselves. Children, from the day they are born, are being taught that thinking is bad, and they must accept ridiculous fairy tales such as Santa Claus, Noah’s ark, and the boogey man as true facts. They continue to believe make-believe for the rest of their lives.

A poster for the magician Howard Thurston from 1910. Image courtesy of the US Library of Congress.

Anyone with the ability to think will eventually realize that theology is a dishonest science based on belief, on credulity, and on trust. Theology abhors investigation, despises thought, and denounces reason. True science teaches us to think and to reason, to use common sense in planning our own futures, to take control of our thoughts and actions. In religion, facts, inconsistent with the creed, are denounced as lies, and the person declaring these facts is called a blasphemer. Every theology professor breathes the air of insincerity, is mentally dishonest, and is a pious fraud. His students have been well-taught, they must not question, and they must not think.

James Randi, the famous Canadian illusionist, known as The Amazing Randi, spent his lifetime trying to educate “True Believers” by exposing how “Magicians” did their tricks and how healing revivalists are fakes who are scamming the gullible public. In 1964, Randi offered a prize of one-million dollars to anyone who could demonstrate evidence of a paranormal, supernatural, or occult phenomenon. Randi debunked over one-thousand people who challenged the prize. Sixty years later, nobody has managed to claim the million dollars. Despite this, the number of “True Believers” grows and will continue to grow until average people on the street begin to become educated and learn to think for themselves and admit, there is no magic, and there are no miracles, everything that happens has a scientific explanation.

Scientists such as Richard Dawkins are stating, religion is the root of all evil, and historians, such as Howard Zinn and David Edwin Harrell, give us many examples of evil done through religion. Religious people are so accustomed to behaving in an irrational and insane manner, they see nothing wrong with killing, robbing, and torturing people if it is done in the name of religion. People have been somehow convinced that killing for one’s deity is a praiseworthy act, whether this deity is an imaginary god in the sky, or a mortal person who is commonly referred to as a king, queen, emperor, or dictator.

To control millions of captured slaves, Roman emperors invented many religions which were geared to various cultures, often incorporating the local religion into the newly fabricated one. To create these new religions, these emperors followed the teachings of Marcus Tullius Cicero, who wrote, “We must persuade our citizens that the gods are the Lords and rulers of all things and what is done, is done by their will and authority; and they are the great benefactors of men, and know who everyone is, and what he does, and what sins he commits, and what he intends to do, and with what piety he fulfils his religious duties.”

While in a seminary studying to become a priest, Joseph Stalin read Cicero’s writings, and so did other ambitious men like Peter the Great, Napoléon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Pierre Trudeau, and many others. These men were also familiar with the Roman philosopher, Lucius Seneca who wrote, “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.”


Wayne Douglas Weedon is a Manitoba author who writes a combination of fictional and factual stories, essays, and novels.

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