
In 1960, Pollyanna, the movie, came out. It was about a 12-year-old orphan daughter of missionaries who arrives in a small town to live with her rich and strict aunt. She is obsessively cheerful and constantly playing “The Glad Game,” an optimistic and positive attitude she learned from her father. The game consists of finding something to be glad about in every situation, no matter how bleak it may be. My challenge is to play this game along with our CJNU family.

I’m glad to renew communication with people that have been too busy to call or email. I’m glad to talk to my children and grandchildren on my phone, what a fantastic thing this is. I’m glad to have time to sit and read for hours uninterrupted. – Jim Pappas

I’m glad for family, friends, and coffee. – Linda Lamb

I’m glad no bombs are raining on our heads. I’m glad I’m not a prisoner held in solitary confinement, as millions are. I’m glad I’m not a refugee trying to escape with my life. – Agnes Brydon

I’m glad for our excellent Health Care system and the care my husband is receiving. I’m glad for my biological and CJNU family and friends who are so supportive and caring at a time when it is so welcomed. – Susan Earl

I’m glad to be living in the middle of Canada (usually called no-where).

I’m glad that the people in my building and whom I see on my daily walks are all practicing social distancing. I’m glad for all those on the front lines. – Helen Harper

I’m glad I had a grandmother and a Mother who shared their appreciation of Pollyanna with me. I even had a doll and some outfits. I’m glad there are people in my life who want to share stories and memories of positive times. – Gail HB

I’m glad the sun is shining, and my family is well and trying daily to find humor in our lives. – Bev Smith

I’m glad and thankful for so many people who are working to help us through this challenging time and in the knowledge that the promise of spring is still with us. – Joyce Allen

I’m glad to have my family. I’m glad that no matter what the weather throws our way, spring will flow into summer – Mary-Sue Adair-Gill

I’m glad and grateful for the invention of teleconferencing, so I can check in on my family and see they are actually okay. I am glad for CJNU finding a way to keep broadcasting and allowing the volunteers to continue doing their duties so that we can keep in contact with our CJNU family. – Anna-Marie