myrna says thank you
Hon. Myrna Driedger Broadway Journal

As I write this article I am filled with so much gratitude to my community. I would like to say a sincere thank you to the voters of Roblin for electing me to be their MLA on Sept. 10, 2019. I look forward to this opportunity to serve you all to the best of my ability. 

I was first elected in a by-election in 1998. My move to politics came at a time in my life when I was ready for a new challenge, to make a difference at a new level. I had had a fulfilling and exciting career in healthcare as a nurse. Then I spent over a decade with Child Find Manitoba, a missing children’s organization. My years with Child Find left a deep and profound passion in me to be an advocate for children. With Child Find, the ability to help families going through a traumatic time in their lives was a responsibility I took extremely seriously. In 1998 I thought about how I could be able to make a difference in a new way. The opportunity to be a legislator and advocate for others on the floor of the Manitoba Legislative Chamber was an opportunity I was excited to consider. 

Since being first elected I have held many roles including that of Deputy Leader of the PC Party of Manitoba, Critic for Health, Status of Women, Finance, Civil Service & Crown Corporations Council, Child & Family Services, and Education. I am proud that while in opposition I had the rare success of having five private members bills passed. These include: The Nellie McClung Foundation Act, The Liquor Control Amendment Act (a bill that helped to prevent date rape), The Regional Health Authorities Amendment Act (a bill that dealt with mammography accreditation), The Sexual Assault Awareness Month Act, and The Centennial of Manitoba Women’s Right to Vote Act. Further, I introduced two Private Member’s Bills which were not passed but were later reintroduced by the government of the day. These include: the Domestic Violence Death Review Committee Act and the Workers Compensation Amendment Act (re: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). 

This September, I won my seventh election. I have learned so much from each election and so much from all the people around me. I have respect for people from all political affiliations who put their names forward to run. Whether a candidate wins or loses, that they ran for public office is an admirable thing. The amount of work, dedication, and time that goes into an election can make a campaign seem like an insurmountable endeavor but be assured that it is one of the most rewarding and rich experiences and, in my opinion, worth the work. I know it’s worth it when I speak to the residents of Charleswood and Headingley. Hearing feedback, good or bad, from voters allows me to be an authentic voice for the community and to do my job to the best of my ability. 

I connected with thousands of voters and I was grateful to all of those who spoke their minds to me. I noted every comment and appreciate the concerns on the minds of residents. Now that the election had passed, please be sure to keep sharing your opinions with me by connecting with my constituency office. We can be reached by email at [email protected] or by telephone at 204-885-0594.

For this election, the boundaries of provincial constituencies changed. This is done by Elections Manitoba every ten years to ensure that constituencies are changing and evolving in line with the population changes throughout the province. What was the constituency of Charleswood is now the constituency of Roblin, which encompasses Charleswood and Headingley. This is exciting for me because, when I was first elected in 1998, Headingley was a part of the Charleswood constituency! These two areas have so much in common and it is a true honour to be able to be their voice in the Legislature again. 

From the moment I became an MLA, I have undertaken every decision and every initiative with my community in mind. My community is why I walk into the legislature as eager now as I was 22 years ago. I am inspired by my constituents and grateful to have the opportunity to serve them. 

Thank you to all the voters of Roblin. It means so much to me to have your confidence. Charleswood and Headingley have so much in common and I am so happy to see these two areas united in the provincial constituency of Roblin. I will continue to work hard and be an avid community advocate.

Thank you all so very much.