let no one be alone

Brenda Tonn

‘The Let No One Be Alone’ grass roots initiative started in 2012 as a result of a sleepless night. In my role as a resource coordinator, I felt well positioned and supported with fellow coordinators to start this campaign of caring. Through first-hand experience and impelling research, I have learned that social isolation is a leading cause of death. Our “social connectedness” is a determinate of our own health. 

Observed the first full week in May, this week is about connecting with people, especially those that are alone/lonely. Our current state of affairs has brought isolation to the forefront, with many of us feeling the impact of being isolated and lonely. Now more than ever it is important to stay connected and find creative ways to do so. Not only during the week of awareness, this week is meant to serve as reminder to all, the importance of real connections & setting goals to stay connected. 

I like to think of this as a charity of time. Spending time with loved ones and letting them know you are there for them is possibly the best gift of all. Real connections enhance our mental and physical health. We all have the power to make a difference. Reach out to someone with genuine care and concern and see what great things can happen.

Brenda is a consultant with the Age Friendly Resource Team for the Manitoba Association of Senior Centres.