Even though it is the middle of March and the earth in middle Canada is covered with four feet of snow, spring is in the air. It is hard to believe, says Kevin, that last year, at this time, it was plus 12 C and there was no snow!
What will happen if there is a fast melt? Where does all that water go? Hopefully, the snow will slip slowly into the parched soil rehydrating it in a way that will last the summer.
One of the challenges of this winter has been the wind which closed many highways, including the perimeter which as closed a total of seven times. Many of the shelter belts that used to line the highways in Manitoba have been removed over the past ten years, so there is no way to block the blowing snow.
But there is good news, at least along the TransCanada between Winnipeg and Portage La Prairie. A group, supported by the Government of Manitoba, is planting a new shelter belt based on a more scientific approach. An assortment of 30 species of trees and shrubs is being planted in multiple layers and progress is being measured along the way. Several Kilometers were planted last year, and the program will be in place again this year.
Pay attention to what is going on the garden, says Kevin. Look at the details. If something is not thriving, more it. There are many different microclimates within every garden. Observe and study your plants. Respond to their needs.
How do hummingbirds know when to fly south, asks Kevin. How do trees travel? What is the relationship between plants and the microbes in the soil? Why do apple trees have a huge harvest one year and very little the next? And is there anything you can do to deal with this?
Spend a pleasant hour with Kevin and Dorothy and list to Serenate to Spring by Secret Garden and Dance me to the End of Love by Leonard Cohen