miracle plants in the garden lady's Mantle

You want miracle plants in your garden? Here are a few that you can grow for their medicinal nature.

Pot marigold

Pot marigold or calendula is a miracle with roots. It is very good at stimulating blood circulation and speeding healing through its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Calendula is still widely used by pharmaceutical companies in a wide range of skin products, moisturizers, baby wipes, toothpaste, creams, cleansers and toners. Dye from the plant is used to colour and flavour rice, soups, cheeses and butter.

It is also used for treating sore throat and a number of other ailments, including to soothe eczema.

On the ornamental side, calendula is a pretty yellow flower, also known as English marigold, that will brighten any garden. It’s easy to grow from seeds, planted out directly in early spring. It is a perennial but may not survive a severe winter. On the other hand, it may just decide to self-sow, profusely!

Lady’s mantle
Lady’s mantle

Lady’s mantle, that lovely little dewdrop-holder, has many virtues, not the least of which is its enchanting presence in the garden. It pea-green leaves present sparkles of light held in prisms of dew hung from the edges of its scalloped leaves each morning. 

It further rewards us with sprays of yellow flowers that would grace any special bouquet.

Yet more, it is an antispasmodic, used to treat muscle pains and relieve birth pain. Its anti-bacterial properties are used against burns, boils and other infections. It is handy in curing bee stings and heals cuts and wounds. It is said that a tea made from its leaves can help treat obesity.

The woodland poppy

Celandine poppy, a woodland plant that grows wild in southern Ontario (and in the ravines of Toronto) but has been tamed to gardens here in Manitoba, has been used to treat skin cancers and eczema. It is helps shrink hemorrhoids, gets rid of warts and treats psoriasis. It has also been used to fortify hair and fight baldness. 

In the garden, its small lemon-yellow flowers entice pollinators from the earliest days of spring. Break off a stem and beware of the golden sap oozing from the stems between its bright green leaves. This sap can stain almost anything, and it is said to be useful in treating genital warts

It is a shy plant, happy in the shade but delirious in the sunlight, where it will fling itself in all directions. 

Milk thistle

Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is used in liver treatments and to lower cholesterol. It is said to relieve the after-effects of alcohol abuse and can be used to treat those withdrawing from opiates and to counteract the side effects of taking oral steroids.

It is useful in treating prostate cancer.

This is not an ornamental for the ordinary garden, but rather a true thistle with thistle-like flower and the spiky leaves.