Foodie recipe
Ian Leatt

Chocolate, mousse, fruit, cake, oh my! All these ingredients cobbled together make for a blissful dessert. What could be better than a beautiful chocolate Swiss roll stuffed with chocolate mousse? 

Try something a little different this time of year, no cinnamon, no cookies, just chocolate. I have always had a liking for chocolate, some would say perhaps too much of a liking. This cake is one for the decadent few that can never seem to get enough chocolate. 


6 Eggs
250 grams dark cooking chocolate
4 tablespoons butter
1 cup fresh whipping cream
3 Cups fresh raspberries
6 tablespoons fine sugar
2 x chocolate Swiss roll sliced ½ inch pieces


Line a large bowl with saran wrap. (Best to do this twice to ensure all the glass is covered.) Leave room over the sides to be able to tuck in. Line the saran-covered inside of the bowl with the Swiss roll slices until the bowl basin is completely covered. Then place the raspberries around the Swiss rolls, a little tricky but doable.

Bring an inch or two of water in a pot to a simmer. Place chocolate and butter inside a metal bowl and then inside the pot of hot water, allow for the chocolate to melt. (Do not get water in the chocolate as this will crystalize the chocolate). Once the chocolate has melted, set aside umtil it is cool to the touch.

Beat the whipping cream until it forms stiff peaks. Separate eggs from yolks. Place whites in a large bowl and yolks in a small bowl. Whisk yolks until smooth and creamy. Add sugar to egg whites and beat until firm peaks form. Fold egg yolks into the whipped cream using a rubber spatula.

Check chocolate temperature – it should still be runny but only lukewarm. If too thick, re-heat until smooth and pourable. Pour chocolate into cream yolk mixture. Streaks are ok. (It is important not to over-fold).

Initially add 1/4 of beaten egg whites into chocolate mixture. Carefully fold together. Finally pour chocolate mixture into remaining egg whites. Fold through until incorporated, when no more white lumps remain.

Once the mousse has been made, pour inside the bowl that is lined with the chocolate Swiss rolls. Finally, finish slicing the chocolate Swiss rolls and place on top of the mousse. Place in the fridge to set. This typically takes 4 hours, best to do this overnight. 

Remove from the fridge. Place a serving plate over the bowl then flip upside down. The cake should gently fall onto the plate. Carefully peel away the saran wrap. Decorate how you like. Fresh fruit is always so good. 

Happy New Year, may 2020 be a year where all your dreams come true. 

Ian Leatt is general manager of Pegasus Publications and a trained chef.