Dorothy Dobbie Issues in the News The last thought in President Biden’s speech when he came to Canada in March was the fact that we and the United States are
Dorothy Dobbie Issues in the News The last thought in President Biden’s speech when he came to Canada in March was the fact that we and the United States are
Brent Poole Home Improvements As a rule, at this time of year I wander around the home both inside and out. Many things need to be checked to ensure
Gary Brown Geocaching As I write this the weather is trying to decide whether we will actually get a spring or maybe even a summer. The forecast looks good and
Fred Morris From the desk of a gadfly To celebrate the 100th Anniversary of St. James (starting just west of St. James Street to Sturgeon Road) breaking away from
Hon. Scott Johnson Minister's Message Dear Friends, Since coming into office, our PC government has continued to support the people of Manitoba with a specific focus on seniors to
Ian Leatt Foodies The long-drawn-out winter is behind us, finally! Having cleaned up the grill, it’s time to get started for the barbecue season and what better way to kick
Imagine North by Crystal Kolt “Winds in the east, there’s a mist coming in, like something is brewing about to begin.” This is more than just an opening line
Nathan Zassman Natural Health Insulin is the hormone produced by the pancreas that moves blood glucose from the food we eat into our tissues and organs; it is needed for
The Premier’s priorities by Dorothy Dobbie “Why doesn’t Wab Kinew grasp the facts about health care when they are presented to him?” asked a frustrated Heather Stefanson, fresh from
Trudy Schroeder Random Notes Over the last few years, the board of Hockey Canada found itself facing much criticism, scrutiny, and sanctions for its record of using organizational funds