age and energy
We are charged up and ready to go, until we aren’t so don’t waste it!
By Dorothy Dobbie

I refuse to get “old and useless,” I prefer just to get old.

Funny, how age sneaks up on us. One day, you see yourself as simply another part of the general population, and then, suddenly, you have to admit that you can actually remember back fifty years! And that you were an adult then. Oh, my God! That must mean you are old?! You notice that ten or 15 years seem insignificant – wasn’t 2005 just the other day? How about 2012? That’s the year I bought my new car!

But what wonderful things have been happening in those intervening years, when you were busy being productive, trying to make a living and ignoring that seniors’ citizen card you have in your wallet. And how exciting to still be part of a world of wonder and progress that is happening despite the pessimists who are currently in charge of the North American narrative.

Fact is, folks, this virus will pass. We have survived worse. And the world will not end due to changes in our climate. We have been through more.

Perhaps, though, what is happening while everyone is focussed on gloom and doom is a revolution that will take us to a better tomorrow as new technologies and a superior understanding of our world forces us to find enhanced ways to live. 

Ironically, the big news of the day has to do with ways of reducing the use of energy. That is like saying we should reduce life.

Electrification is in its infancy although you probably take it for granted. We live in an electrified world – which is to say, a world of energy. In the past and up until now, we have utilized this energy in the most primitive fashion, just a few steps up from our ancestors who burned wood for fires. Oil and other carbon-derived energy sources are not so far from the days of cola oil lamps. But exciting discoveries are being made that will surpass even the next wave of battery-run energy sources.

We are discovering the secret that everything on earth is filled with harnessable energy and that we must learn to live in harmony with that energy and become one with it. Are you surprised, when every high school student should know that earth is an electrical field harvestable by putting two stakes in the ground connected by some sort of conductor to realize electrical transmission? Not too long ago, one of those high school students from Alberts demonstrated that the human body could fuel an electric light bulb. We know that plants produce electric energy in every act of their growth and, most recently, we have discovered that bacteria produce electricity as a by-product of their existence.

This brings me back to the beginning thoughts in this article. Getting old does not reduce your generation of life or energy. It changes and enhances it. You know more. Your energy field may be redirected, but as our First Nations know, that energy should not be wasted. They revere their elderly because they intuitively understand their power.

Don’t waste yours. Get involved. Do something, anything, while your light is still burning bright.

It is a beautiful world!

It is a beautiful world and every day brings a bright new dawn.