
Hon. Kevin Klein

From the Legislature


With the provincial election on the horizon, I think it is critical that voters must know each candidate's priorities. I believe in being clear about my priorities, which are serving the residents of Kirkfield Park, first and foremost. Be a strong voice for our community and every resident, regardless of personal politics. After being appointed to the cabinet, which is an honour, I am still a strong voice in the legislature for our community. The cost of living has skyrocketed. Taxes are high, and inflation is still a problem, particularly for families, seniors, and people with disabilities. Many people are forced to choose between food and paying bills. That is unacceptable. Also, people are worried about crime, which is fueled to a large extent by Manitoba's drug trade and chronic poverty. Access to healthcare is still a challenge for some people. Residents are also worried about climate change.

There are no fast and cheap solutions, unfortunately.

My commitment is to build on the progress made by my legislature colleagues on essential files. Good ideas and people can be found across the political spectrum. The inverse is also true. I will continue building relationships with public servants across the province and country. I will bring forward new ideas and challenge policies that are bad for the residents I serve.

As the former chairman of the Winnipeg Police Board, I will continue my years-long task of pushing back against crime. That means taking criticism from groups who want to defund police and who are content with revolving-door justice. It means delivering outcomes that make all our neighbourhoods safe.

Healthy economies are not created through rampant tax and spending practices. Underperforming economies – and hard times – are often characterized by runaway deficits and inflation. I will work with legislative colleagues and the community to help resolve the affordability crisis. As Winston Churchill once said, "I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up."

On the healthcare file, I continue to support healthcare workers and administrators. I honour emergency responders with real action. I will continue my work with organizations like Homes for Heroes to help alleviate homelessness.

We need to celebrate our accomplishments when it comes to climate policy. Manitoba is in the unique position of having the resources, experience, and wherewithal to become Canada's renewable energy powerhouse. I'm excited to keep building on this success as we work towards even greater efficiency. Our province is endowed with vast mineral resources that can help the world transition to cleaner technology. I will keep working with Indigenous communities and industry to move projects forward.

This is an important election. One that calls for steady and strong leadership from every riding in the province. I encourage voters to do their research. Does the candidate have the life and business experience to manage our province? Does the candidate have the experience to stand up for and fight for the community? However, the most important thing to do is get out and vote.

The Hon. Kevin Klein is the MLA for Kirkfield Park and Minister of Environment and Climate Change.