
Dorothy Dobbie talks with Michel Gauthier of the Canadian Garden Council in Ottawa https://gardenscanada.ca/canadian-garden-council/  about Canada’s annual Garden Days. This national celebration runs from June 12 to June 20, 2021. Garden Days is a chance to commemorate your garden by posting photos on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #Garden Days or #It’s time to garden. ScottsMiracle-Gro is offering a beautiful garden basket to the best photo this year, so be sure to enter. It all culminates in National Garden Day on June 19, right before Father’s Day.

Michel also gives listeners a sneak preview of the upcoming Year of the Garden celebration in 2022.  We expect a declaration of The Year of the Garden to be tabled in the House of Commons very soon. The Year of the Garden commemorates the 100th Anniversary of the Canadian National Landscape Association, but more, it celebrates an end to the Pandemic in Canada and launches a year of hope and renewal through our garden experience. We learn about a new rose garden being prepared at Rideau Hall that will recognize all the countries that have contributed to our hardy rose collection that includes over 200 roses in Canada. Michel tells about the International Peace Garden Trail, about the seven storey high green wall at the University of Ottawa.

Finally, Michel tells us about the International Peace Garden Foundation that features gardens all round the world. We are hoping to create a strong relationship between this International network of gardens and our unique local International Garden, the only one that straddles an international border and the first international peace garden.

Gardening is up 20 per cent. More and more young people are learning to experience the benefits of the garden. Help us celebrate this year, by planting yellow. Next year, the Year of the Garden in Canada, plant red. Get involved. If you have ideas for help us celebrate, let us know. https://gardenscanada.ca/year-of-the-garden-2022-proclamation/