
Hon. Scott Johnson

Minister's Message

Dear friends,

Throughout the month of May, I had the privilege of engaging with seniors in our community, and it has been an enriching experience that reaffirms the importance of their well-being and quality of life. As the Minister of Seniors and Long-Term Care, it is my utmost priority to ensure that the needs and aspirations of our seniors are heard and addressed.

One memorable event that stands out in my mind is the Doctors Manitoba Gala Dinner. It was a joyous occasion, where I had the opportunity to express my gratitude to our dedicated medical professionals who provide exceptional care to seniors across the province. The Gala Dinner brought together passionate individuals who share the common goal of enhancing healthcare services for our seniors, and I was truly inspired by their commitment.

Another highlight was attending the announcement at Portage Place alongside our Premier and colleagues. It was an exciting moment as we shared our government's commitment to healing healthcare in our province. We are proud to support the transformation of Portage Place into a dynamic Health Centre that will offer a range of vital services, including housing, grocery stores, and community amenities. 

During Grace Hospital Day, I witnessed firsthand the tremendous impact the Grace Hospital Foundation has on our community. Their unwavering dedication and hard work contribute significantly to the well-being of seniors. Notably, the Grace Foundation raised an impressive sum of money, a testament to the generosity and compassion of our community members.

One event that holds special significance for me is the 17th annual Long Term & Continuing Care Association of Manitoba Provincial Conference and Exhibition. It was an honor to bring greetings and acknowledge the remarkable efforts of LTCAM over the past 60 years. They have been a valuable partner in promoting safe and quality care and living options for seniors in Manitoba. Their commitment is truly commendable, and I am grateful for their contributions.

Celebrating milestones is essential, and I was delighted to attend the 30th anniversary of the Good Neighbors Active Living Centre. This organization has been instrumental in serving the older adults of our community, providing support, companionship, and activities that enhance their overall well-being. Their dedication and commitment to seniors' welfare are deserving of recognition and applause.

Lastly, I had the privilege of attending the Association of Regulated Nurses of Manitoba's 2023 AGM & Celebration of Excellence. It was an opportunity to express my gratitude to our nursing community for their tireless efforts in caring for seniors. Their expertise, compassion, and dedication are essential components of the healthcare system, and I commend them for their exceptional service.

As I reflect on the past month, I am filled with gratitude for the connections made, the stories shared, and the inspiring individuals I met. It is through these interactions that I gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and aspirations of our seniors. I remain committed to advocating for their needs and working towards a future where all seniors in Manitoba can live with dignity, respect, and the support they deserve.


Honorable Scott Johnston, Minister of Seniors and Long-Term Care