My Manitoba

By Gerrie Beachall

My Manitoba

Summer in Manitoba is one of my favourite seasons. Spending time exploring Manitoba on these glorious, sunny, warm days can’t be beat. My family has explored many places in the province, and each new site overwhelms me with its beauty. I gained a new appreciation for what we have when I started travelling to other countries that proclaimed to have the “world’s best sunset” or the most beautiful lakes. Manitoba has them all!

Our travels have taken us to Northern Manitoba, confirming my love of our province and the people who live here. We spent a hot August holiday in the Flin Flon area. It was warm but not too hot to get out and explore. The lakes we paddled were pristine. The air was clean and fresh. As we took in the sites and slowly kayaked around the lake, we listened to the sounds of nature. This is better than any meditation app I have ever heard. The scenery was breathtaking, with towering pines. We came across a breeding/nesting area for bald eagles. They soared overhead and kept a watchful eye on us. We were rewarded with a display of their majesty. I can’t wait to go back there and recapture that experience.

Churchill, Manitoba typically gets a lot of travel media coverage and has historically been a popular destination for international travelers. It was a destination that I had always wanted to visit but did not know if I would ever get there. Our family made the trip up, and we were not disappointed. It was another summer trip, and while there was no snow, it was cool weather and very chilly on the water. We explored the area around the town, from the Prince of Wales Fort to Kodiak rides among the belugas and the large boat ride to watch polar bears from a safe distance.

We had been warned that the summers can be quiet, and the animals aren’t always around. Luck was with us as we were provided with a spectacular display of wildlife. The belugas were plentiful and playful with each other. Our guides were very respectful of the whales and kept us at a safe distance. The polar bears were also abundant. They were putting on a show; a group of adolescent bears were wrestling in the shallow water as we watched quietly from the boat. They walked up onto the rocks and explored the area freely. It was amazing to take in how huge they are when you see them in real life.

We came away with many gorgeous pictures to remember our trip and one regret. We were so tired that we could not stay up after midnight to see the northern lights on our first night. We thought we would rest up the first night because we had activities planned for the next day, and we planned to stay awake our last night there. Mother nature had different ideas. The weather was such that we did not get to see the lights.

I would recommend to anyone who likes to connect with nature and escape the city to make the time to visit our North. You will feel better for it.