
While climate change is creating havoc with our lives and corrective measures seem impossible, seniors are escalating what they can do to create a sustainable future.

Seniors for Climate Mb. is holding a Climate Action EXPO to share information on how to reduce our energy use and impact on the environment. They are encouraging seniors to act now and support local groups on Tues. Oct 1, between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on the patio at The Forks.

October First is National Seniors Day in Canada. Seniors for Climate, a group of environmental organizations, is planning a Day of Action across Canada. Events planned in over 50 communities across the country will focus on personal and political action seniors are taking. Practical solutions to the climate crisis will be provided, so participants can decide how they will help.

The focus of the event in Winnipeg is on seniors meeting with others engaged in climate action. The objectives for the event are to resource seniors to take climate action, encourage and motivate seniors to engage, and to support local environment organizations.

“We know seniors are concerned about the environment and climate impact on the future. So, we’re organizing to do something about it, “ according to Pat Wally, coordinator of Seniors for Climate Mb.

“We can make a difference in what is happening environmentally. We can’t be passive. Our collective future depends on what we do. Future generations will benefit from what we do now,” adds Pat.

Jim Lapp, one of the organizers commented, “There is so much we can do. Information is a starting point to get us going. We can act individually and together to reduce our carbon pollution. We can also help each other adapt to climate change in many ways such as providing air conditioning to low-income seniors.

“Obviously we’re not going to stop the destruction caused by major carbon pollution by only doing our individual actions. We must do more. We must demand that our society take on more serious climate action. Ultimately we need to collaborate with each other to get our governments to actually act to reduce our carbon pollution and help us prepare for more serious weather events brought on by climate change,“ he added.

Organizer of the event is Seniors for Climate Manitoba, an informal group concerned about the state of our environment. They are partnering with the Climate Action Team, a local NGO which includes;

  • Green Action Centre,
  • Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society - Manitoba Branch,
  • Climate Change Connection,
  • Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition,
  • Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives - Manitoba office.

“We want to encourage more seniors to get involved. Everyone is welcome,” says Pat.

Local contacts for more information are Consider Climate Manitoba, https://www.considerclimatemb.ca/events/ . Seniors for Climate Mb, Jim Lapp 204 226 8726. Pat Wally [email protected]/

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