
Dorothy Dobbie

I think we all are ready for a garden experience after a winter of snow, snow, snow, and week after week of freezing temperatures. So, get ready for the great Living Green show coming up at the Red River Ex of April 15 to 17 for a garden experience you will love.

Are you a novice gardener? We will have garden speakers with all kinds of garden know how, with speakers on stage and folks ready to take your questions. Members of the Manitoba Master Gardeners will also be at their booth to give you the boost of knowledge and confidence you need to succeed.

And of course, you’ll be looking to get a head start on your garden. Mid-April is the perfect time to do this. There will be lots of great idea to make your garden a showcase this year.

This is not just about flowers. We will have experts on hand to give you some hints about how to make those veggies grow. And we will have tree experts. And if you are interested in learning more about how our First Nations folk gardened, we will have an opportunity for you to learn more.

The Living Green show has long been a dream of Red River Ex CEO Garth Rogerson, who has been trying to return the Ex to its roots as a local celebration of what we do best here in Manitoba: grow things and interact as a community.

Be sure to mark you calendars and join us for a really lovely time on Easter weekend.