Inside City Hall
After two years of coping through the pandemic, Public Health Officials have provided an end date. As Winnipeggers, we now need to change our focus from restrictions to the future, from division to uniting us towards one goal, rebuilding our economy.
I am calling on the City of Winnipeg Public Service to take the lead and begin bringing staff back to our downtown offices safely. Make the return-to-work plan public, complete with multiple return dates with a firm objective of all staff working back downtown by April 19, 2022.
Let’s get a head start on rebuilding a solid foundation for small businesses to succeed in our downtown. People want leaders to get us moving forward.
I also urge all business leaders to consider a similar approach to bring their staff back downtown in a safe and reasonable manner. Together we can help kickstart our local economy and begin the successful return to what will be our new normal.
It took a lot of our energy to make it through two of the most challenging years in many of our lives. So, let’s put our energy into reuniting with family, friends, and neighbours to eliminate the division.
Let’s get to work on our future. Thank you – Chi-Miigwetch – Merci.