
By Jesús Ángel Miguel García


The great barbecue season has arrived. We partake and share such an important culinary and social tradition to renew and foster bonds and friendships. But what is the etiquette to follow?

As a host, plan carefully so that your guests can feel welcome, comfortable, relax, eat well, and enjoy each other’s company. 

Before your guests arrive, ensure the gas canister is full, light your BBQ and have it ready, so that they don’t have to wait too long.

Make sure everything is set: food ready to be barbecued, including a vegetarian option and food for guests with allergies or gluten intolerance, and drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Arrange seating, a serving table or individual side tables, cutlery, crockery, and napkins. Consider the vagaries of the weather. 

Enjoy your BBQ party in Summer!

Some hosts opt for taking care of the food to be barbecued, while guests bring salads and desserts. 

Consider enlisting someone to take charge of the BBQ, so that you can entertain and look after your guests. 

Large, coloured napkins are more festive than plain white. A stack of smaller cocktail or luncheon-sized napkins should suffice. 

Plastic plates or sturdy paper plates, plastic utensils and disposable cups makes the cleanup easier, and it’s practical when holding a barbecue outdoors. You might prefer to use your own dinnerware and utensils if you are hosting a small number of guests. 

Provide enough comfortable seats for the party. It can be challenging to have to juggle food and drink while having to stand, and perching on a rickety and unsteady chair is never that enjoyable. A table where guests can place their plates and drinks, instead of their laps, is better. 

Make sure there is shade. If it’s too hot, you can make available sunscreen. Also, if there are mosquitos, provide mosquito repellent. 

Offer plentiful supplies of ice-cold water and cold soft drinks to keep guests hydrated. It will also help last the provision of wine and beer. 

If the weather gets a bit cold, you can offer hot coffee and tea. 

Be mindful of your neighbours. A barbecue can be highly aromatic and smoky, depending on wind direction and the cook’s ability. 

Choose music in advance and be considerate. Don’t play the music too loud that would make conversation difficult and disturb your neighbours. Check the noise city bylaws, and until what time you are allowed to play music. 

If you are a guest, tell your host immediately whether you will be attending, so that he/she can plan accordingly.

Be on time. Arrive at or shortly after the time stated, fifteen minutes is OK. Do not, however, arrive early.

Barbecues are, by definition, informal, and meant to be enjoyed. Encourage your guests to help themselves to bread, salads, and drinks. If they offer to help you with cooking, serving drinks or handing food round, accept their offer graciously. 

Remember that your barbecue is not to be the Great Canadian Bake Off. You are not in the TV show, so don’t show off. Your guests are not there to applaud your BBQ prowess. Ridiculous aprons, silly chef’s hats, boasting and bragging while barbecuing is inappropriate. Your guests came to eat, socialise, and have a good time. 

As they arrive, ask them what they’d like to drink, while telling them what drinks you can offer them. As you hand over the drinks, mention they’re welcome to help themselves to drinks.

Have garbage bags handy to collect periodically empty cans and used paper plates. Keep them out sight.

Follow proper food safety and hygiene: wash your hands before and after cooking and eating, use utensils, do not double dip, and refrain from licking your fingers; it’s unhygienic and unseemly. 

Don’t overindulge. Eating as you are starving will attract the wrong type of attention to you, and it would leave less food for others. Pace yourself, and do not fill your plate to the brim. Have seconds instead. 

Keep the consumption of alcoholic drinks on the moderate to low side.

As your guests leave, tell them how much you enjoyed their company.

Thank your host upon leaving, and a second time the following day by phone, email or with a written thank-you note. It’s a gracious gesture that will be truly appreciated. 

The recipe for a good barbecue is to ensure that food, drinks, company, conversation, and manners are good. Good barbecues are the sinews of good memories.

Jesús Ángel Miguel García is the director, The Spanish Institute. Research Fellow, St. Paul’s College.