Jim Ingebrigtsen
<strong><font color=red>Tidbits</font></strong>

Jim Ingebrigtsen

"Here is a list of 100 Canadian inventions we can all to be proud of."

I originally had a list of topics to choose from to kick off the New Year. I struggled with all of them as, after looking at them over and over again, I realized they all had a negative bent to them. Climate change, ongoing warring nations, corrupt politicians, variations of various viruses and the hits just keep on happening. So, although they were all valid to various degrees, I thought it better to start 2023 off with something more positive.

Here is a list of 100 Canadian inventions we can all to be proud of. Just more reason why we should all feel fortunate to live in this great country.

Here is the list of 100 Canandian inventions

1. Telephone
2. Light Bulb
3. Five Pin Bowling
4. Wonderbra
5. Artificial Pacemaker
6. Robertson Screw
7. Zipper
8. Electric Wheelchair
9. Poutine
10. Cobalt-60 Cancer Treatment
11. Java Programming Language
12. Bloody Caesar
13. Canadarm
14. Standard Time
15. Butter Tarts
16. Electron Microscope
17. Skidoo
18. Blackberry
19. Radio Voice Transmission
20. Birchbark Canoe
21. Basketball
22. Retractable Beer Carton Handle
23. UV Degradable Plastics
24. Instant Replay
25. Goalie Mask
26. Peanut Butter
26. Pablum
27. Lacrosse
28. Electric Oven
29. Steam Fog Horn
30. Walkie-Talkie
31. Alkaline Batteries
32. Paint Roller
33. Electronic Music Synthesizer
34. Chewing Gum
35. Green Garbage Bags
36. Snow-blower
37. Self-Propelled Combine Harvester
38. Instant Mashed Potatoes
39. Hawkins Cheezies
40. Marine Screw Propeller
41. Plexiglas
42. Key Frame Animation
43. CPR Mannequin
44. Hawaiian Pizza
45. Ardox Spiral Nail
46. Canola Oil
47. Crash Position Indicator
48. Caulking Gun
49. Maple Syrup
50. Water Bomber
51. The Quinzhee
52. Hockey Stick
53. Ginger Ale
54. Coffee Crisp/Crispy Crunch
55. Insulin
56. Ketchup Chips
57. Peameal Bacon
58. Split Pea Soup
59. Kraft Dinner
60. IMAX Movie System
61. AM Broadcasting
62. Atomic Clock
63. Gramophone
64. Pager
65. Newsprint
66. Electric Organ
67. Ambrosia Apples
68. Pizza Pops
69. Tourtiere
70. Rotary Snow Plow
71. Gas Mask
72. Sonar
73. Tomahawk
74. Easy-Off Oven Cleaner
75. Egg Carton
76. Jolly Jumper
77. Lawn Sprinkler
78. Snow Goggles
79. Snowshoes
80. Parka
81. Kerosene
82. Ebola Vaccine
83. Birchbark Biting
84. Crokinole
85. Ice Hockey
86. Jockstrap
87. Superman
88. Table Hockey
89. Ringette
90. Trivial Pursuit
91. Television Camera
92. Electric Car Heater
93. Hydrofoil
94. Road lines
95. Labrador Retriever
96. Prosthetic Hand
97. CPR Mannequin
98. Electric Streetcar
99. Wheelchair Accessible Bus
100. Nanaimo Bars

And as a small bonus, I know we’re in the cold months of the winter but below are ten
gardening tips for beginners. After all … Spring is just around the corner … almost.

Peas don’t like too much water.
Potatoes do not like tomatoes.
Potatoes do not like cucumbers.
Potatoes and cabbage are friends.
Do not plant beans with onions or beets.
Beans love carrots.
Beets love onion, cabbage and potatoes.
Tomatoes love carrots and peas.
Cabbage does not like radishes.
Beans and cucumbers do not like each other.

Stay warm, stay positive. Happy New Year!

Jim was a writer-broadcaster, producer and presenter on television and radio for 40 years. He is also a host on Lifestyles 55 Digital Radio. Find Radio Redux and Mid Century Memories it at www.whatsupwinnipeg.ca.

@ 2023 Pegasus Publications Inc.