winter blues
Part 1 of 2
Nathan Zassman
Natural Health

After moving to New York from South Africa to complete his residency in psychiatry, Dr. Norman Rosenthal began experiencing lethargy and mood changes in the fall and winter months, but when summer arrived, he noticed these issues vanished. As a result, he began to study mood and its relationship to circadian rhythms. His research resulted in the book Winter Blues: Everything You Need to Know to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), sometimes called “winter depression,” can include feeling sad, depressed, and not finding the same pleasure in activities you used to enjoy. Sufferers may experience low energy, difficulty sleeping (or feeling the need to sleep hours more each night), less interest in socializing, loss of sex drive, difficulty concentrating, cravings for sweet and starchy foods, and gaining or losing weight. Women, who experience depression 70% more frequently than men, often report worsening of premenstrual syndrome symptoms.

A milder form of seasonal depression, the “winter blues” can similarly lead to low energy, feeling “down,” putting on weight, and having difficulty getting out of bed in the morning.

If you suffer from the winter blues or feel you may have symptoms of SAD as the days get shorter, there are remedies that can help. Traditionally, there have been three methods of treatment: antidepressants, bright light therapy, and psychotherapy. Recent research is also showing that exposure to specific frequencies of sound and vibration can have great results as well.

Bright Light Therapy

One of the most effective methods of treating SAD and winter blues is by using specially-designed light boxes that produce a light intensity of 10,000 lux. Since Rosenthal’s initial study, there have been over 60 published studies confirming a success rate of 60%-90%. This research has shown that 30 minutes per day of exposure to a 10,000 lux light source can help reduce the symptoms of SAD. Exposing retinal cells to bright light early in the morning stimulates the hypothalamus which can help to restore normal circadian rhythm.

A few years ago, an older couple visited to ask me for advice, as the woman was suffering from serious depression. She had tried dietary supplements and antidepressant drugs prescribed by her doctor, with no benefit. She was so sad she was crying every day, and her husband was hoping I could assist them in some way. When I learned that her depression was worse during the winter, I recommended she give bright light therapy a try. Neither had heard of this approach, and they were skeptical that something as simple as a lamp could help. After I explained that this is a common seasonal problem and that clinical studies had shown it to be effective, they purchased a light therapy device with the hope that it might be helpful. About a week later the couple returned and told me that the light therapy had made an amazing difference. Not everyone will see this type of result, but her depression had all but disappeared. After using the light for 30 minutes each morning, she returned to being the happy, positive, productive woman she used to be.

Vibroacoustic Therapy and Brain Entrainment

The term entrainment describes how our brainwaves adjust or synchronize to sound. When we are exposed to sound and vibration at certain frequencies, our brains naturally work to match those patterns, which can result in a variety of neurological health improvements. Studies confirm that 15-30 minutes of daily exposure to sound and vibration at specific frequencies can be effective in treating fibromyalgia, slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, improving cognition, and boosting self-confidence. Sound therapy has been shown to help reduce stress, anxiety, and insomnia. It can promote relaxation, help build bone density, strengthen the immune system, increase circulation, lower blood pressure, and reduce headaches. Vibroacoustic therapy devices have been used in clinical and home settings to help treat depression, including seasonal affective disorder and the winter blues.


Saffron: In a six-week double-blind trial, results showed that saffron was as effective as conventional drugs like Prozac and Tofranil for mild depression with few or no side effects. A meta-analysis of five randomized trials found saffron to be effective for treating major depressive disorders. 

A versatile spice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus, other studies have shown that saffron supplementation can provide benefits for stress and mood balance, and support a variety of other health conditions including erectile dysfunction, age-related metabolic syndrome, macular degeneration, and weight control. An eight week study found that those taking saffron had a significantly greater body weight reduction than the placebo group. Those taking saffron showed a reduced tendency for snacking, while improving satiety (feeling fuller after eating). Another interesting study from Australia’s Murdoch University found that saffron can help improve sleep quality after only seven days of use.

Next month in part two, I’ll outline some of the other dietary supplements and lifestyle factors that can help improve mood and ease the winter blues. You can find the entire list and more information about light therapy online at www.avivahealth.com.

Nathan Zassman is the owner and president of Aviva Natural Health Solutions.