
Hon. Kevin Klein

From the Legislature

From the Legislature by Hon. Kevin Klein

I have been speaking with residents throughout our community when shopping at the Superstore or Food Fare or while at one of our many local restaurants.

Because of the misinformation shared by some politicians for their gain, I have had a few residents ask me about school budgets and health care. So, please let me provide you with the facts.

We are fortunate in Kirkfield Park because our PC Government has increased funding substantially to St. James-Assiniboia School Divisions (SJASD).

Fact: for the 2023/24 school year, SJASD received $49.7M in annual funding. Please note that this amount does not include funding received through special grants allocated in the year. The division gets an 8.1 per cent or $3.7 million increase for the 2023/24 school year alone.

In fact, since 2017, SJASD has received $10.8 million or a 27.6 per cent increase in funding. Over the same period, actual eligible enrolment increased by 1.3 per cent.

Unfortunately, political opponents mislead residents and use healthcare to fearmonger while making unreasonable promises of a quick and easy fix. So, let's look at the facts surrounding healthcare in our community.

It is no secret that the healthcare staffing crisis is a Canada-wide dilemma. There are many reasons for the changes that occurred over the pandemic. Nobody can fix healthcare by making promises alone. It takes authentic leadership, vision, focus, and a solid commitment to a long-term solution. We are working to ensure this will not happen again.

I'm proud of our PC Government's work to address staffing issues that are felt in every province. We are getting the job done.

Fact: As of June 15, 2023, our PC Government has hired over 1,000 new healthcare professionals, including professionals now at the Grace Hospital.

We are spending more on healthcare recruitment, retention, and training than any province in Canada. That is a fact, and it is irrefutable.

We invest more in healthcare than has any other Manitoba Government, including over $100 million for desired expansions and upgrades at our Grace Hospital.

We are listening, taking action, and seeing successes. But that doesn't make for a catchy headline. We also have more work to do; we’re not perfect, which is why I wanted to be your MLA to make a difference and be your voice in the Manitoba Legislature.

Please vote for me, Kevin Klein, as MLA for Kirkfield Park. I will keep listening and fighting to implement the programs important to you.

The Hon. Kevin Klein is the MLA for Kirkfield Park and Minister of Environment and Climate Change.