

Congratulations to the 12 Manitobans who received the Order of Manitoba, the province’s highest honour, on July 20, last month.


The Order of Manitoba was established in 1999 to honour Manitobans who have demonstrated excellence and achievement, thereby enriching the social, cultural or economic well-being of the province and its residents.

“The 12 outstanding Manitobans being invested into the Order of Manitoba this year are leaders, visionaries and mentors committed to building community,” said Lt.-Gov. Anita R. Neville. “Today’s investees represent the very best of our province, and it is a pleasure and privilege to recognize and celebrate them.”

Appointments to the order are made by the chancellor based on the recommendations of an advisory council. Order of Manitoba members are entitled to use the initials O.M. after their names for life. The list of all members of the Order of Manitoba is on permanent display in the Legislative Building.

Jon Einarson with Lisa Lewis.
Jon Einarson with Lisa Lewis.

Mr. Jamie Brown. Jamie Brown has served as the CEO and executive producer of Frantic Films since 2000. In these roles, he has helped build one of Manitoba and Canada’s most successful film and television companies. Winning awards in Canada and abroad for his innovation, creativity and business leadership, he is a tireless community volunteer and an advocate of Manitoba’s creative sector.

Mr. David (Ace) Burpee. From Cooks Creek, Manitoba, David “Ace” Burpee is the widely recognizable host of The Ace Burpee Show on 103 Virgin Radio. A tireless volunteer and mental health advocate, he has championed countless charitable causes and people across the province, using his platform to continuously raise awareness, support and funds for worthy causes.

Mr. John Einarson. A former award-winning high school history teacher, John Einarson is a widely respected broadcaster and rock music historian. He is the author of more than a dozen critically acclaimed music biographies and contributed to A&E’s Neil Young Biography episode and CBC’s The Life & Times of Randy Bachman.

Mr. Charles Huband (the late). The late Charles Huband was an accomplished lawyer, judge, political leader and community activist, having lent his time and talents to important causes in the community for over 60 years. He was instrumental in the creation of Prairie Theatre Exchange over 50 years ago and was the cofounder of the Westminster Housing Society.

The Honourable Janis Johnson, C.M. Janis Johnson served in the Canadian Senate for over 25 years, making her longest serving Manitoba senator. An advocate for both the cultural sector and women’s health and education, she contributed to the founding of the Mature Women’s Health Clinic (now the Women’s Health Centre) and founded the Gimli Film Festival. She chairs the Valuing the Icelandic Presence Committee at the University of Manitoba and assisted in the development of Qaumajuq. Janis has been a lifelong supporter of Manitoba and its relationship with Iceland.

Ms. Terumi Kuwada. A retired social worker and dedicated community volunteer, Terumi Kuwada has been a strong advocate in the areas of human rights and social justice for more than 35 years. Her long-standing commitment to human rights and promoting respect and understanding between ethnic groups is illustrated through her work with many organizations including United Way Winnipeg and the National Association of Japanese Canadians.

Dr. Lorrie Kirshenbaum. One of Canada’s most prominent scientific leaders, Dr. Lorrie Kirshenbaum’s pioneering research on cardiac cell death has transformed cardiovascular care worldwide. He has earned an international reputation for research excellence and is best known for his work in understanding why the cells of the heart die after a heart attack and in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Dr. Gerry Price. An accomplished business executive and philanthropist, Gerry Price is chair and CEO of Price Industries Limited, one of the province’s largest private employers. Dr. Price and his family support charities and capital campaigns in Manitoba across many areas including children and families, youth mentorships, education and scholarships, health care and other community-led initiatives.

Ms. Alvina Rundle. A community advocate for Lake St. Martin and beyond, Alvina Rundle is dedicated to helping Indigenous people involved in the justice system. She was instrumental in establishing courts in remote Indigenous communities and recruiting court Elders to serve, while also providing language interpretation services and sentencing assistance to respective case judges.

Dr. Richard Smith. Dr. Richard Smith is a Manitoba family physician who has dedicated most of his 52-year professional career to saving lives and advocating for those impacted by the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Manitoba. He is a leader in the provision of clinical excellence to people often ostracized for their sexual orientation or lifestyle, and established the Village Clinic, which eventually became the Nine Circles Community Health Centre.

Ms. Elaine Stevenson. For more than 30 years, Elaine Stevenson has been a dedicated, effective advocate for children, youth and adults with eating disorders. Inspired by her own personal tragedy of losing her daughter to an eating disorder, she co-founded the Alyssa Stevenson Eating Disorder Memorial Trust, with a mission to bring about essential change in the care and treatment of eating disorders in Manitoba and across Canada.

Mr. Amarjeet Warraich. Amarjeet Warraich is a community leader and advocate, particularly in the provision of support to new Indo-Canadian citizens. During his tenure as commissioner of Manitoba’s Human Rights Commission, he oversaw a period of landmark new initiatives in the province including the proclamation of the Manitoba Human Rights Code in 1988, and measures respecting the rights of women, people with disabilities, Indigenous peoples and the LGBT community. He has long been a special friend to the publisher of Lifestyles and we congratulate him for his work on restoring the old Maryland Hotel which is now the Econo Lodge.

The Order of Manitoba Advisory Council relies upon nominations from the public. To nominate a deserving Manitoban for the 2024 Order of Manitoba, visit www.manitobalg.ca.