Aging in Winnipeg is a lot different than aging in Florida! With the holidays being behind us, and facing a few more cold months ahead, it is important for all of us regardless of age to maintain a positive outlook. This may be easier said than done. A & O: Support Services for Older Adults provides many specialized programs and services that can support older Manitobans all year long but may be particularly helpful if you are feeling blue and/or isolated during the winter months.
A & O provides the following counselling services:
Individual and group counselling for older adults 55+
- Registered Social Workers provide a variety of counselling services that address grief and loss, financial issues, depression, family issues, loneliness/isolation and loss of health
- Consultations with family members
- Intake Worker available Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Supporting Groups
- Bereavement Support Group
- Moving Forward Group
- Making and Keeping Important Connections
- Because We Care: Carer’s Support Group
- Buried in Treasures (for older adults dealing with Hoarding Disorder)
A & O provides the following programs and services that provide older adults with social engagement opportunities:
Senior Centre Without Walls
This program is the first of its kind in Canada and offers a unique opportunity for Manitobans, 55+, to join educational and interactive programs from the comfort of their own homes. Programming topics include; educational presentations, language classes, book clubs, travelogues and support groups. The free programs are accessed through a toll-free number and are offered during the day and evenings.
Connect Program
Registered Social Workers assist socially isolated Winnipeggers 55+ living in the community by connecting them to resources that will facilitate independent living. Clients of the program may be connected to: Volunteer Visitors & Callers, Community Resources, Senior Centre Without Walls, Safety and Security Programs, Counselling and Support Services.
Senior Immigrant Settlement Services
The program offers a wide range of settlement services for newcomers 55 years of age and over. Our Settlement Orientation for Seniors program is a group orientation where participants learn about important settlement topics such as law, health and safety, housing, transportation, money and banking and community information. Upon completing the orientation, participants are referred to The Winnipeg English Language Assessment and Referral Centre (WELARC) for a language assessment appointment. They may then register for our English Language Program for seniors or are welcome to join one of our English Conversation Circles. A settlement worker is also available to provide additional information about community programs and services, to assist with forms and documents and offer opportunities to connect with other older adults in the community.
You are not alone. Don’t wait, call today!
A & O has many supports that can assist older adults in aging well.
Phone: 204-956-6440
@ 2023 Pegasus Publications Inc.