
Susan Earl, Volunteer Coordinator

Volunteers are a vital part of CJNU Nostalgia Radio. Do you know CJNU is 98% volunteer run? Without our more than 110 volunteers on air and behind the scenes, CJNU would not exist.

Our volunteers work tirelessly to bring quality programming to you over the airwaves to our loyal listeners.

Our volunteers work in the studio – in front of and behind the mic and answer the phones taking your requests. Volunteers hold a number of vital positions: office, sales, training, membership. The list goes on. We are always pleased when new people express an interest in volunteering with us. Each person brings a skill set which we try our best to match to our needs. Sometimes they come with talents we never knew we needed. Previous experience in radio not required; just a love for music.

CJNU values all our volunteers. Every year we honor an Outstanding Volunteer at our annual AGM who goes above and beyond. Is that you?

If you or someone you know is interested in joining our CJNU family, we would like to speak with you.

Please complete a Volunteer Application form which you can find on our website cjnu.ca or email [email protected] for more information.

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